LTD Anka Fair Trade (AFT) is a hazelnut processing and exporting company, located in West Georgia. The company’s business model is based on added-value supply chain. Since 2013 the company is the leading partner of 1,500 farmer’s certified product supply chain project. Currently 100% of the produced hazelnut is exported to European traders and wholesalers supplying chocolate, bakery and ice cream producers. Aiming to further improve the product quality and increase production, the company built a brand new processing facility and purchased new hazelnut sorting and drying equipment. The investment was financed with a EU4Business-EBRD Credit line loan. The company received free-of-charge technical support from the team of international experts to optimize the investment project and received 15% of the loan amount as a grant cash-back after the successful project verification, funded under the EU4Business initiative of the European Union.
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