LTD Indico

LTD Indico – a road construction company invested in purchasing of sand and gravel processors, a mobile screening plant, two wheel excavators, four trucks and a mobile compressor. With these investments, the company managed to increase its productivity and product quality, while at the same time improving the safety and energy efficiency standards of the company. The investment was realized with a EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line loan and, after successful project verification, LTD Indico received a 15% grant equaling € 110,877.


Invested in:

    • Mobile screening plant
    • Two wheel excavators
    • Four trucks
    • Mobile compressor

Investment Volume:

    • Investment Cost: EUR 767,511
    • Loan amount: EUR 739,180
    • Grant amount (15%): EUR 110,877

EU Directives met:

    • Regulation (EC) N. 661/2009 on requirements for general safety of motor vehicles, trailers and systems.
    • Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery.
    • Directive 2014/68/EU on pressure equipment.
    • Directive 2006/12/EC on waste.
    • Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste.
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